Your product needs to be all things to all people, addressing the federal call for scientifically-based curriculum, helping students prepare for state and national assessments, and meeting specific state and national curriculum standards.
Strategic Education Solutions provides a comprehensive Product Planning System that includes careful analysis of current scientific research, curriculum and assessment standards, competing products, and market opportunities.
Cherry Lake Publishing, College & Career Readiness and Science Instructional Design
Texas Workforce Commission, Career/Workforce Readiness Video Podcast Prototype
Region IV Education Service Center, PK-12 Reading, Mathematics, Science & Social Studies Market and Competitive Product Analysis
The Safe Side, Research Analysis & Synthesis and Instructional Design
Fusion Learning Systems, Elementary Mathematics Instructional Design
Enzoolgogy, Middle School Science Instructional Design
JoyBox Studios, Early Childhood Research Analysis and Scope & Sequence Development
Reasoning Mind, Instructional Design/Lesson Specs for California Test Practice
Trinity Education Group, Prototype Development for Online Biology Textbook